Husqvarna Viking Scandinavia 300 Sewing Machine
Husqvarna Viking Scandinavia 300 Sewing Machine Reviews

November 30, -0001Help
Machine is wonderful but be sure you take the lessons on how to download patterns! Must really understand the computer to effectively use!

catherine O.
November 30, -0001The 300
I like the machine but sure wish the book was written and not just pictures. It's a bit hard to follow and you have to take a training class to learn to use the embroiderer. I can 'wing it' but it's just not the same or perfect. I would like to have done more research on it, I probably would have bought one a little simpler to use.

Barbara P.
November 30, -0001Child Proof?
My great grandson has removed all of the screws on my machine and I've had to replace them all. He was 3 when he did this the second time. The first time he was 2.
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