Husqvarna Viking Emerald 183 Sewing Machine
Husqvarna Viking Emerald 183 Sewing Machine Reviews

Allison C.
November 30, -0001Great Machine
I have had this machine for 2 years and I simply love it. I needed a dependable machine with great features and this one performs great. It was easy for me to start learning to sew on this, and now that I have been sewing for over 2 years, I'm so glad I invested in this one from the beginning. I took a couple of intro to sewing classes after my "2 free training classes with purchase"… read more were up and every time I was so pleased to have such a nice machine to work on. My mom has been sewing for over 30 years and she always says how much she loves using my machine!

Hope B.
November 30, -0001Mrs. Banks
I've had the Emerald 183 for 2 years now and I truly do enjoy this sewing machine. It has enough embellishing capability to be more than a basic machine but not so much I need a college degree to learn how to use it. The buttonholes this machine can do are great for someone like me who makes all their own clothes. I think anyone would love this sewing machine for it's easy learning… read more curve and in case it's an issue for some this machine is very quiet.

Tanya M.
November 30, -0001almost perfect
I like sewing with this machine. It came with a lot of helpful feet. Just enough features to do a little extra embellishing. Nice stitches. I have sewn heavy weight denim to light cotton and it can absolutely do the job! I really bought this machine for reliability. The cons of this machine are that sometimes you can press on the pedal and it will not start sewing right away. The… read more button hole foot gives me fits sometimes also as it will make one button hole correctly and then the next one is short and I need to rip it out. The other con is the price of accessories. If this was another machine I could get additional feet for half of the price. I would like a free motion foot and a walking foot but the cost would have gone over the price of the next model up and I have had the machine about 2 years now and really just getting to use it more.

Teri B.
November 30, -0001Great but not outstanding.
I have had this machine for about 3 years I think. It's in the shop right now (buttonholer won't buttonhole). The one major issue I've had with this machine (and I really do regret buying it because of this) is the lack of control with backstitching and the speed in general. I got a serious reminder of this when I pulled my old Singer (back up machine) out the other day and started… read more using it again. OMG. If you want to go fast you simply press the pedal. On the 183, it's a total crapshoot. You don't get ANY control whatsoever. The machine decides when to accelerate no matter what you do with the pedal. On the backstitching, yes, there is a "stop" button, but it doesn't backstitch.....and there is a "locking stitch" button, but it doesn't backstitch either. So, you're left to your own devices.....the good old reverse button. Too bad the button isn't reliable and again no control. You never know exactly when it will start to backstitch OR when it will stop.Other than that, it's been a dream! LOL I really would love to get a different machine but it's all about the $$$$. Maybe one day I can do a trade in at my local sewing machine shop. Oh well.....

November 30, -0001Hard to find information on how to use
Not really happy with this product. I am having the same pedal problem that I have read about on other sites. Very slow to change, in my case won't go fast at all then speeds up slowly. Can't figure out how to get the stitch that I want in the way I want it. I miss my Singer :( If only machines were made in the good Old U.S.A.
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