Husqvarna Viking Emerald 118 Sewing Machine
Husqvarna Viking Emerald 118 Sewing Machine Reviews

dennis B.
November 30, -0001The buttonholer is a bit of a learning process. I had a Husqvarna Viking in the 1990s that had a superior buttonholer.

Rosa A.
November 30, -0001Amazing!
This is beginner friendly and also can handle heavy duty. Iâm taking a professional sewing class in Los Angeles, the teacher makes costumes for movies and she uses this machine for her classroom and for costumes.

Randal B.
November 30, -0001The right machine for basic sewing.
I was looking for a reliable machine with features just beyond the basics. This machine fills the bill. The ability to limit speed is especially useful when doing detailed work. The thread stop up/down feature is convenient.

Kathleen L.
November 30, -0001Best machine I've ever had!
I've been dreaming of a Husky for years and finally took the plunge. I'm so glad I did! It purrs along like no other machine I've had and comes with lots of extras. I've only begun to explore its possibilities!

Denise A.
November 30, -0001Love this machine
Runs great really quiet

November 30, -0001Love it!
Love this machine! Thanks for the great service and delivery!

Kelly L.
November 30, -0001Easy to Use
Loving this machine! The more I use it, the more I'm so thankful I bought it!

Peggy L.
November 30, -0001Emerald 118
I have only used for a short time but it is a good machine.

Robyn M.
November 30, -0001Love it
Itâs easy to use. I think it sew well..

November 30, -0001Wonderful Purchase
Amazing machine and just exactly what I needed!

Annette S.
November 30, -0001Nice mechanical machine!
Since I received my Emerald 118 I have sewn many items. It is a joy to see on this machine. It is quiet and has all the power I could want.

Maureen L.
November 30, -0001Emerald 118 rocks!
This was to replace my 116 which broke at the start of the pandemic. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this machine! It has a ton of time on it already as I completely re-did my basement guest room and made a ton of masks. Thank you so much--it shipped quickly and worked right out the box!

Shari D.
November 30, -0001Just getting started
Just getting to know my new machine right now. It's been about 30 years since I've attempted to sew anything.

Diane F.
November 30, -0001Smooth machine
I haven't used the machine too much yet, but initial impressions are great. It has a smooth operation feel and it's so nice to have an automatic threader. I hope to use this machine for a long time.

November 30, -0001Never has stitched even
Does not feed the material through even, if there is more than 2 layers of material it will not keep With out my pulling the fabric I keep a walking foot on and this helps l ha ve sewed for 40 years.

November 30, -0001Do not buy from SewingMachinesPlus
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