Woolly Nylon 1094yd 6ct ORCHID BOX06

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Woolly Nylon 1094yd 6ct ORCHID BOX06 Banner Photo
YLI Wooly Nylon is a luxurious 100% textured nylon thread of remarkable strength, stretch and memory. Ideal for any sewing project, this thread is soft enough to provide a comfortable feel against the skin and full enough in its relaxed position to ensure perfect coverage for seams and rolled edges. Its elasticity and ravel-free properties guarantee a flawless finish that can't be achieved with other threads. Each box contains 1094 yards of thread distributed in 6 spools, and is an essential item for any enthusiastic sewer.
Woolly Nylon 1094yd 6ct ORCHID BOX06 Photo

Product Specifications

Brand YLI
Category Yli Threads

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