Schmetz Knit & Stretch Combo BOX10

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Schmetz Knit & Stretch Combo BOX10 Banner Photo
Discover the perfect needle for all your knit and stretch fabric needs - the Schmetz Knit/Jersey & Stretch Combo Needle 5-Pack. These needles feature medium ball points and a unique eye and scarf design that are specifically designed for knit and stretch fabrics like Lycra, Spandex, or elastic. With a variety of sizes ranging from 70/10 to 90/14, you’re sure to find the perfect needle for all your projects. Test the needle, thread, and fabric combo for best stitch quality. Each box contains 10 cards with 5 needles per card, so you’ll have plenty of needles to work with. Get the Schmetz Knit/Jersey & Stretch Combo Needle 5-Pack and create stunning projects with ease and precision.
Schmetz Knit & Stretch Combo BOX10 Photo

Product Specifications

Brand Schmetz
Category Stretch Needles

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