Madeira Cotona Incredible Threadable - 20929350

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Madeira Cotona Incredible Threadable - 20929350 Banner Photo
The Madeira Cotona Incredible Threadable Quilt Box is perfect for quilters who need a large selection of colors for their projects. This 50-box set includes 42 spools of 1000m/ 1100yd Cotona No. 50 Quilting thread, plus 2 spools of No. 80 Bobbinfil for a grand total of 44 spools of thread. The variety of colors available ensures you have the perfect hue to make any quilt vision come to life. With Madeira Cotona Incredible Threadable, you can trust that the thread is long lasting and reliable, allowing you to quilt with confidence.
Madeira Cotona Incredible Threadable - 20929350 Photo

Product Specifications

Brand Madeira
Category Brands Madeira

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