King Tut Egyptian Cotton Thread - 975 Reed

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Are you looking for the best quality Egyptian cotton thread? Look no further than King Tut Egyptian Cotton Thread! Our 975 reed thread is made from 100% combed cotton, making it super strong and durable. The cotton fibers are expertly spun together to create a smooth, luxurious thread that is perfect for a variety of sewing and quilting projects. The thread is available in a wide range of colors, so you're sure to find the perfect hue for your project. Plus, the thread is colorfast, so it won't fade or bleed when washed. Whether you're making a quilt, clothing, home decor items, or something else entirely, King Tut Egyptian Cotton Thread is the perfect choice for your project. It's strong, smooth, and comes in a variety of beautiful colors. With King Tut Egyptian Cotton Thread, you can rest assured knowing that your projects will look beautiful and last a lifetime.

Product Specifications

Brand Superior Threads
Category King Tut Cotton Thread

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