Husqvarna Viking Quilt Designer II Sewing & Embroidery Machine
Husqvarna Viking Quilt Designer II Sewing & Embroidery Machine Reviews

Valerie C.
November 30, -0001retired teacher
The machine sew beautifully, and easy to operate in all phases.BUT, I WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE SOME MORE D-CARDS!!!!! I am told that is a noway, that they do not make them anymore!!! Is this true?

Sammi G.
November 30, -0001finding additional D-Cards
I have found some new "old stock" d-cards on Both Amazon and eBay. I think the most useful ones I've found were the programmable cards.

Bev S.
November 30, -0001Quiltlady78
I love my Designer II, actually have 2 machines, one stays attached to my embroidery unit. I've had this machine over 5 yrs and the d-cards are starting to fail. how can I get more d-cards (E1 for example.)

gladys W.
November 30, -0001designer2
I love the machine but would like to know why I can not find embroidery d cards which I was told would be available
Husqvarna Viking Quilt Designer II Sewing & Embroidery Machine Questions and Answers
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