Husqvarna Viking Designer Diamond Royale Sewing and Embroidery Machine
Husqvarna Viking Designer Diamond Royale Sewing and Embroidery Machine Reviews

Lea P.
November 30, -0001diamond royale nightmare
I love the feature of this Designer Diamond Royale, but today, it makes it 11 times, broking down, on the 10th time they change belt stretcher, rubber damper motor, driving wheel motor, sewing head frame, cog wheel, motor belt, and I as get into the house with it, it fells apart on the floor, didn't have a chance to try it.This is a real nightmare for having it repair 11 times in… read more 2 years, so many projects and ideas that I wanted to do with it, Christmas is coming soon, want it to do beautiful thing for grand-children, I had planned my design on who get what, now, nothing, nothing except wait to see who will be able to help me now

Jona M.
November 30, -0001Diamond Deluxe Embroidery Machine
I have had several problems with my machine. The arm has consistently made noises and will not calibrate until the 4th or 5th time I try. Also, I have many problems with the bobbin system. I am upgrading to the Epic and hope it is better.

November 30, -0001When this system is operates correctily it is awesome but has consistant problems
Under warranty, we have had many problems with this embroidery machine! screen calibration knocking noises under the hood while embroidering, bobbin issues to name a few. a $15,000.00 embroidery machine should not have these problems!

November 30, -0001contacted district attorney
this machine is a lemon i have researched it and every site has negative reviews
Husqvarna Viking Designer Diamond Royale Sewing and Embroidery Machine Questions and Answers
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