Anita Goodesign Baby Ballerina Bears (28 Designs)

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Anita Goodesign Baby Ballerina Bears (28 Designs) Banner Photo
These irresistibly cute Ballerina Bears will win your heart with their tiny and fuzzy bodies clothed in pretty ballerina attire! Perfect for a baby nursery, this delightful collection includes five stuffed animal designs with instructions for how to make quilts, diaper bags, bumper pads, wall hangings and mobiles. Each Ballerina Bear comes in 5x7 and 6x10 embroidery versions, created with the applique technique for a lovely finish. Whether used to decorate a nursery or simply enjoyed as a delightful addition to any home, these Ballerina Bears will make any space a bit more special!
Anita Goodesign Baby Ballerina Bears (28 Designs) Photo

Product Specifications

Brand Anita Goodesign
Category Animal Embroidery Designs

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