50 pk Singer Class 66 Plastic Bobbins (172336) - (172222P)

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2 Positive, 0 Mixed & 0 Negative
from 2 Reviews
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For your convenience, we offer a fifty-pack of class 66 plastic bobbins, compatible with Singer sewing machines, in part numbers 172336 and 172222P. This is an ideal solution for those who need multiple bobbins for their sewing projects.

Product Specifications

Brand Singer
Category Singer Bobbins

50 pk Singer Class 66 Plastic Bobbins (172336) - (172222P) Reviews

November 30, -0001

Best Place for Parts and Accessories

My machine is an older Singer model. Locally, I could only find generic bobbins that were claimed to fit my machine but they did not work. It was a nightmare having to unwind bobbins each time I needed different color thread. Sewing Machine Plus was the best discovery. I have made several purchases for parts for my machine thru Sewing Machines Plus and I am very pleased with the read more quality and service.

Gail K.
November 30, -0001

They asked name and model of machine to make sure I was ordering the right bobbins.

I only gave 4 stars because I ordered two different class bobbins: 20 of one and 50 of another. They shipped in 7 unlabeled bags of 10 bobbins/bag and it was hard to differentiate them.

50 pk Singer Class 66 Plastic Bobbins (172336) - (172222P) Questions and Answers

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50 pk Singer Class 66 Plastic Bobbins (172336) - (172222P) Price History

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